Friday, July 28, 2006

a bad analogy. ..but true for me.

I wasn't aware till recently that we all have a plan B. Seems like a silly thing to suddenly realize. YOU just went through 4 years of university and YOU see now that we all have a backup plan? Well, yeah everyone has that one thing that they will ultimately take on if their dream should fail...but I wasn't entirely aware that we created plan B's with Human beings as well.

Boy likes girl. Boy dates girl. Girl and boy are getting along famously. BUT...little does the other one know, girl and boy each have a backup. That one person who boy/girl will chose to persue, less enthusiastically, should boy and girl not work out.

Sounds somewhat unromantic? Absolutely. But you cant deny that it is a genius idea. What better way to keep your heart in check and your mental capacity free of analytical thought if you know that when your dream person (Plan A) ends things, you have someone else to think about, to move on to. Someone else to put your efforts towards. Makes the heartache a little less achey. And who doesn't want that?

Unless, of course, your Plan A sees you as his Plan B. The road from the fork that he was forced to take and you find this out. THEN, you kinda hurt...that is until you call in your substitutes and tell yourself that all along, your plan B was the one you really wanted.

Sure, its confusing and maybe me and my elite group of associates are the only ones who do this and even talk about it, but it's a hell of a lot better than putting all your eggs in one basket.


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