Sunday, November 19, 2006

no tech scutt (meets kate) in the city.

This weekend was a special one for it was the culmination of my being: Kate, a bff for a while now, came to see me in my new home.

We frolicked and laughed. We went shopping for two days and poked fun at the funny store names. "We sell fun fun fun!" and "Not just condoms; adult stuff too!" were among the many. We made fun of dog statues in windows and she would anxiously giggle whenever a bum asked her for money. Some of us got entirely too drunk at house warming parties and said things (said? YELLED things) we shouldn't have. But in the end, Kate was a little more homophobic, and I, a little less lonely.

SMALL aside: It is niether cute NOR playful to have a girlie fight in bed. For all those men out there who deem it to be sexy when two girls roll around and fight each other in between laughter, you are wrong. We managed to pull it off without grace, class or sexyiness. SO get it out of your gutter minds.

Also, I am noticing how easy it is to live when you dont have internet and cable. Television and constant access to internet (read: being on msn 14 hours a day but firmly set to "away") is a huge part of our lives, but now that I am forced to live without it, I am getting a fuck load more done. I dont cater my world to this seasons "oc" or "greys" (since they both suck anyways) and I dont have to validate how popular I am anymore with missed messages from my online status (but really I was cleverly out and about all day). I already know I am unpopular, so msn was merely reinteriating that fact as my missed msgs were conspicious with there absence. msn depressed me.

So, what does one do without technology at their fingertips? Well, they try and learn guitar. They paint canvases when high, only to decide later on that they are garbage when sober. And they walk around, preferably with tallbrunettepale men. They get exercise and make friends and go for coffee. Socializing in person is far more stellar than cyberly since sarcasm is way too hard to read in a comic sans font.

You out there.. get off your msn; stop reading this blog(laura! and/or scott southward and or anyone else who reads this) and go find some cool shit to do...or study.

You both should probably study too.


Blogger lauraface said...

you can't really TELL me to go check your blog... and then yell at me later for reading said blog... that's just rude.

you're a real shithead, y'know that scutt?

8:45 PM  
Blogger PS said...

i didnt say check it, asshole.

I said I shouted out to you...

you deserve to fail.

12:02 PM  
Blogger lauraface said...

that one got me right in the feelings...

especially the parts where you said "asshole" and "fail"

11:47 AM  

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