Monday, September 18, 2006

kingston....just shit all over me.

So this weekend marked the annual "queens homecoming" which kate and I felt was fitting to attend being Queen's alumni and all, while also so many of our friends attended it as well....

not really. In fact, the only person we know who even kinda, sort of goes to queens is scott and even he isn't a real "queens boy" yet, whatever that means.

I can say with 100% confidence that the majority of people who attending that circus were in fact, NOT queens students. I can atest to talking personally to a large number of people, none of them claiming to be Queens students or Alumni. Very very odd. This bascially means that the Queens Homecoming reputation is so strong, people ignore their own schools homecoming in favour of Queens.

It just looks like 8000 people roaming Kingston's sad streets, drinking in public, screaming obscenities...and for some reason all we do is laugh and continue on. of us pose with police officers in pictures much to their dismay.

Byron and Owen were fantastic hosts. They let us tornado their house, got us loaded and gave us beds and eggs. You can't ask for much more than that. Here is a recap of everything that was a special part of the weekend:

- Queen's lame ass jackets. "Class of 92. Applied science" is how they were captioned. To which a belligerent man would yell, "hey! what program are you in?"
- 6 man euchre....involving both drunk threats and name calling.
- Seeing walmart commercials that owen starred in...I will go to the grave laughing at that.
- Arrested development season 3...note: Best enjoyed hungover.
- finding out that tasers make for good stories and being thrown in Jail make for even better ones.
- Philthys is only fun when you cant see anything
-speeches from special friends that suggest you are both rad and awesome..or awesomely rad.

I really didnt know what to write about and lists are usually very clean and to the point.

I guess all I really wanted to say was that Kingston blew my mind and my wallet, and Thank you Queens, for showing so many non Queens students and non Queens Alumni what a real homecoming is like.


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