Monday, November 27, 2006


it is christmas time. Anyone who knows anything about me knows I despise it. So its rather funny that this year I am surrounded by christmas yule tidings to the extreme (some self-inflicted):

1) my landlord decorated my entire building with lights around november 1st, and upon realizing that THAT wasnt enough, he moved inside and flooded the lobby with trees and tacky garland. ugh.

2) I work in a popular bar. So unlike mortys pub, we actually get a lot of christmas parties in which I am required to serve at, wearing a ponsettia hat. (well, not really)

3) I thought it would be amusing to buy a christmas cardigan. You know the one your grade 2 teacher wore with pride alongside her singing broche and high waisted pants? My christmas sweater is the breast.

but now, NOW I want to actually wear my christmas sweater out and about to enhance my mood and it makes me smile when I walk down to my house at night, witnessing the only decorated building as mine on gloucester. I asked my friend to go skating in Nathan Phillips Square with me before the lights came down (and also as an opportunity to see him making a fool of himself). And today we are going shopping for needy kids toys. Which leads me to think.....Do I really hate Christmas anymore?

Matthew Good Band's hit LP "beautiful Midnight" was the sole reason I think I started to hate Christmas. I guess one could say that a certain blonde girl was a bit dramatic and depressed during her teens and thought that his societal message about "christmas is for shopping and the shopping god is everything" was really powerful? I dont actually remember anymore. But regardless, the message was clear; christmas makes spoiled kids more spoiled, poor kids way more sad (and probably a little more poor) and karens more angsty. I offically hated christmas.

Jump to 2006, and this year I get to watch 6 little muffins open gifts in eager anticipation on December 25th. And for about 4 years now, I can legally buy and consume alcohol in copious amounts which means I get loaded and scream WHO wants to play euchre?, on X mas nite. Also, and most importantly, I get spend some of the money I save by NOT buying family gifts (since we banned that abut 3 years ago) on children and charities who need it more than me. I get to pick out all the toys I would have wanted as a kid and give them to someone who might need it. This Christmas is shaping up to be pretty wicked.

Maybe Christmas is for Shopping Matthew. And perhaps that God is everything. But I forgot one vital piece of information when I decided I was going to boycott Christmas with you: I really fucking like to shop.


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