Sunday, December 10, 2006

TSX: the scutt exchange

Recent trends in the Market:

The dowjones is up as is the nasdaq...which loosely means I am feeling less lonely and sad about university ending. You can still drink like a 19 year old if you want it bad enough.

I bought stock in a volatile company on Thursday. The company? Was the smiling buddha and it presents an interesting portfolio of bands and new age art. These Bands were high on cocaine, talentless and yet, one of the best shows I have ever seen for 5 bucks. Clemens and I got really drunk and attempted to understand the "electro-funk" that played out before us. The risk was inhernet in the fact that we didnt know where this bar was, and it was beyond cold outside. But the returns, crazy leotard clad people with bike helmets on dancing around, were worth the risk.

I have been comtemplating the purchase of options. They are relatively risk free and allows me to start looking for a new job fit for a big girl. I think the serving world has seen the end of karen the bar wench. You get to a point in this industry.....where you want to snap.

My all time favourite investor came down Saturday nite. We had a meeting about common stock (read: what has happened in our lives recently) and then proceeded to play the shot game and get really hammered. The shot game is only fun with creative people normally cause you get to mix your own concoction like a sorcerer and then name it something rediculous. Kate named hers: "fuck you scutt" and "fuck you scutt part 2" . Because of that, she will no longer be allowed to play. Our meeting continued at the Pheinox night club and after Rage's "killing in the name of" stopped beating out of the speakers, (or hockey nite in canada as I like to call it) we concluded our meeting, passed out and didnt even get to say goodbye to each other. It was a relatively successful meeting.

Needless to say, the TSX is getting renovated. Stocks can only sit idle for a short time before they crash or sky rocket up.


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