Shut up Asshole.
It began with silence and darkness, attempting to symbolize the dawn of time and how at one point the world was quiet, black; like the beginning of the movie. So the movie rolled and we all sat on the edge of our seats, some of us peering through the awkward bars that restricted our view.
It was my second time seeing it for the low low price of 10 dollars but for him, it was his first. I believe he thought it was going to be a one man show that is all disconnected and SUPER artsy that only pretentious fucks who think they know everything about independent theatre would appreciate. But the "movie"carried on and I eagerly anticipated my favourite parts all over again, while my virgin took it in for the first time. Since Monster was sold out in 15 min and I managed to get on a waiting list, I was doubtful that we would actually make in it to see the afternoon show. So when the theatre manager told us we could enter with 30 seconds to go before curtain, we were estactic. Well, he was. I was scared for now the play was built up so much with waiting, and the high seats in the sky and the sold out poster he kept looking at. I was afraid I would let him down. He wouldnt like it...
With that in mind, you can see why I sat paranoid through most of the show. "Was that a yawn I just heard from him?" "hmm, Im glancing over now and he isnt looking at the stage. This isnt going well at all."
However, during this I realized I was enjoying it much more the second time then the first. I understood the foreshadowing and I could see how adams relationship with his father really functioned. I heard new, clever lines and appreciated the links within the story that much more. If he couldnt see all this too, then too bad for him.
The stage went black. Macivor brought it all together at the end in a nice, psychotic package and we all clapped furiously. I pulled in my breath, awaiting critisim, as he leaned over and whispered in my ear: "That was super good, scutt."
And why wouldnt he think so? I cant help but notice that everything I enjoy and appreciate, he does too. Everything I want to go see and learn from, he does too. Everything we see and dont like, we dont like together. I thought Monster was the bestest of the best for indy theatre, therefore he would too. Its nice to know that you can both be demanding and shellfish, (sometimes him more of a Crustacean than me..) when you both have interests in the EXACT same things.
It becomes really freaky when you realize you are dating your twin brother.
Shut up Asshole.
It began with silence and darkness, attempting to symbolize the dawn of time and how at one point the world was quiet, black; like the beginning of the movie. So the movie rolled and we all sat on the edge of our seats, some of us peering through the awkward bars that restricted our view.
It was my second time seeing it for the low low price of 10 dollars but for him, it was his first. I believe he thought it was going to be a one man show that is all disconnected and SUPER artsy that only pretentious fucks who think they know everything about independent theatre would appreciate. But the "movie"carried on and I eagerly anticipated my favourite parts all over again, while my virgin took it in for the first time. Since Monster was sold out in 15 min and I managed to get on a waiting list, I was doubtful that we would actually make in it to see the afternoon show. So when the theatre manager told us we could enter with 30 seconds to go before curtain, we were estactic. Well, he was. I was scared for now the play was built up so much with waiting, and the high seats in the sky and the sold out poster he kept looking at. I was afraid I would let him down. He wouldnt like it...
With that in mind, you can see why I sat paranoid through most of the show. "Was that a yawn I just heard from him?" "hmm, Im glancing over now and he isnt looking at the stage. This isnt going well at all."
However, during this I realized I was enjoying it much more the second time then the first. I understood the foreshadowing and I could see how adams relationship with his father really functioned. I heard new, clever lines and appreciated the links within the story that much more. If he couldnt see all this too, then too bad for him.
The stage went black. Macivor brought it all together at the end in a nice, psychotic package and we all clapped furiously. I pulled in my breath, awaiting critisim, as he leaned over and whispered in my ear: "That was super good, scutt."
And why wouldnt he think so? I cant help but notice that everything I enjoy and appreciate, he does too. Everything I want to go see and learn from, he does too. Everything we see and dont like, we dont like together. I thought Monster was the bestest of the best for indy theatre, therefore he would too. Its nice to know that you can both be demanding and shellfish, (sometimes him more of a Crustacean than me..) when you both have interests in the EXACT same things.
It becomes really freaky when you realize you are dating your twin brother.